Sunday, October 2, 2011

REMEMBER WHEN- God took care of you.

Major Concept:            Remember When
This Week's Concept:  God took care of you.

Background:  Young children live in the present.  Their concept of time is developing so yesterday, today, tomorrow, and a year from now are often interchanged.  Yet, they can remember events and experiences quite well.  In Joshua 4, God commands Joshua to take twelve men and twelve stones and pile them up as a memorial to all that God had done for the people.It is important for us to help our children establish "memorials" for all that God has done.  Remembering God's faithfulness in the past gives us strength to stand on His promises during the good days and especially the tough days.  Help your child begin to remember when God was faithful on a personal level by establishing memorials.

Activity:  Talk with your child about a time when he/she was frightened, scared, in danger, etc.  Ask, "What did you do to feel less afraid, unsafe, etc? "  Discuss praying to God, finding an adult to help, etc.   Guide your child to understand that God was faithful in that situation as He is in all situations where we are afraid or scared.  Work with your child to create a memorial for God's faithfulness in that situation.  This might include a letter to God, a picture to hang, a stone, etc.  Revisit the memorial throughout the week and take the opportunity to say, "Thank you, God, for taking care of ___________."

Bible Verse:
           Psalm 23:  4 - "I will not be afraid because you are close beside me."

Lunch Notes:  Notes this week should remind your child of God's faithfulness.  For example, "Remember when God took care of us during the storm.  God is faithful."  Using "Remember when" and "God is faithful" on each note also allows for repitition of words which is great for early literacy.

Prayer:  Help your child tell God, "Thank you for your faithfulness."  (You may need to assist your child in understanding how God took care of them in certain situations.)

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